Enhance user experience on Youtube

Youtube Master enhances your user experience on Youtube. With Youtube Master you can block Youtube videos or channels, sort Youtube videos, darken the background while watching a video and do many other things.

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Darken the background

With Youtube Master you can darken the background while watching a video. So you can focus on what you are watching.

Speed-up video playing

With Youtube Master you can increase your playback speed. By clicking the new speed-up button in the HTML5 video player. You can also use the hotkey 'D'. The new speed will be displayed in the screen.

Slow-down video playing

With Youtube Master you can also decrease your playback speed. By clicking the new slow-down button in the HTML5 video player. You can also use the hotkey 'S'. The new speed will be displayed in the screen.

Take screenshots on Youtube

With Youtube Master you can take a screenshot of the video you are watching. The screenshot will be saved as a PNG file to the default download folder of your system.

Control volume by mouse wheel

With Youtube Master you can control volume by mouse wheel scrolling. While the cursor is over the video, mouse wheel scrolling will trigger volume change. Otherwise mouse wheel scrolling will scroll the page.